
Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2016

Me and party island


"Me and party island", hard to believe but that´s true!.

 photo SAM_9261_zpson6epxvy.jpg

The routing:*

Service EasyJet Switzerland EZS 1127 operated by HB-JYA

Scheduled:  07.10  //  09.10
Actual:  07.10  //  09.20

This machine shows the Easy livery under G and HB Registration since 01.04.2010

There are no special stories found

But the stats:
Leg no. 1409 at all and no. 166 on the A320

Here are the plane types recorded:

PLANE TYPES RECORDED auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

A pretty early morning start from the
Basel Mulhouse Freiburg".
Now, that´s nothing really new to me and the car goes it´s way through the night close to alone.
Been to the "Aeroport d'Eivissa"
a couple of years ago, so will see the changes, if there are any!.

Here are the pictures:

 photo SAM_9259_zpslpaggn69.jpg

 photo SAM_9263_zpsvljrrczn.jpg

 photo SAM_9264_zps7chj6yut.jpg

 photo SAM_9265_zpsxr6ufncm.jpg

 photo SAM_9266_zpscjsv9cks.jpg

 photo SAM_9268_zpssj8fbvob.jpg

 photo SAM_9270_zps2oxefppb.jpg

 photo SAM_9271_zpsgusctu3y.jpg

 photo SAM_9272_zpsbwjhwaix.jpg

 photo SAM_9273_zpsarhudtkk.jpg

 photo SAM_9274_zpsu972acbn.jpg

More to come.
Adios por ahora. The Tripreporter.

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